Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Forum 6 (2)

Forum 6 (2)

Q Please, go to “Additional resources” link and watch the brief videos regarding the prisons in Arizona and in Norway. Discuss which of the two systems serves better the justice? Explain which of the two systems is more effective in reducing the recidivism? Should the USA adopt the Norwegian model of prison? Why?

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The two system of prison in Norway and in Arizona are vastly different from each other and it would not be correct to say that one is doing right and the other is doing it wrong. The meaning of the term justice means that the people should be punished for the wrong that they have done. It may seem that the Arizona prison is doing justice by keeping the prisoners in the prison with strict rules and regulation but in my point of view, the Norway prison is also doing justice by punishing the prisoners. Is keeping prisoners isolated from the main town for so many years are not a kind of punishment?